
Emanuel, God With Us

Imagine what it would be like if you could see Him as He walks with you.  Imagine Him smiling as you discover the surprises, the joys He created for you.  Kind of like when you give someone a special gift and you just enjoy their beaming smile as they open your present knowing it is just what they wanted.  Imagine Him being there to hold you when you hurt, strengthen you when you can’t go on.   He IS there for you.  He takes joy in you and wants to do life with you.

Give me your Eyes Lord!

Give me your Heart Lord!  I know that will put a smile on your face and bless me in the process. I am ready for the overwhelm. I am willing to open myself to see the hurts, the ugliness, the despair of people hurting themselves and others.  I will cry as you do, feeling their emptiness, hopelessness and pain they are experiencing.  Yet, I will be frustrated, not being able to help the sea of people … so many needs Lord, that seem to never end.  I will see them settling for the cheap counterfeit when you are there all the time. I will want to scream out and tell them YOU are waiting and willing to provide what they are really searching for…YOURSELF, GOD WITH US.   I will fall to my knees in despair of the impossible task. Then, you will give me YOUR EYES from MY TEARS. You will raise me up with your focus. You will point me on my journey with your boldness. My fear will be gone. I will be empowered by you to touch those you have readied. I will no longer serve to change others, I will be changed to serve others. I will serve them your grace, your forgiveness, your LOVE. I will have your heart Lord. Oh, thank you for the blessing.

Joshua MovieJoshua Movie Presence

WATCH JOSHUA as he touches people of all types, then BE God’s heart in your town. Change your world as you discover his character in the movie and how he touched lives. Check out this movie. It is a great family movie.

Jesus in Disguise

What if you had NOTHING that the world values, nothing it says you “deserve”, yet you had God’s heart!  What if you had God’s power and you touched lives wherever you went? Are you ready for true significance beyond the trivial?  Are you ready to send your treasures on ahead in heavenly currency? You can spend that for eternity.

Brandon Heath – Jesus In Disguise [Official Music Video] from brandon-heath on GodTube.